Green Eggs and Ham Activities for Preschool

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Ahhh….Dr. Seuss. As a parent you either love him or you hate him. I grew up with fond memories of all of the Dr. Seuss books. My favorite Dr. Seuss book is Green Eggs and Ham. I’m sure I drove my mother crazy when I requested it. We celebrate Dr. Seuss Day on Dr. Seuss’ birthday, March 2nd. It’s a fabulous day to read some of his books and do some fun Dr. Seuss activities! Here are some of my favorite Green Eggs and Ham activities for preschool.

Green Eggs and Ham activities for preschool

Green Eggs and Ham Preschool Activities

A great way to incorporate a book into your child’s learning is to include some fun activities. Here are some fun ideas you can incorporate if you’re wanting to celebrate Dr Seuss with this classic book.

Fizzy Green Eggs and Ham Activity – Do you like to get messy with your littles? This fun activity incorporates science with the story in a fun way. You’ll need to use some baking soda and vinegar to create these fizzy, fun green eggs!

Green Eggs and Ham Letter Recognition – If your little ones are working on their alphabet, you’re going to want to check out these letter recognition printables.

Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham Game – Grab some construction paper, a spatula, and some pipe cleaners so kids can practice their gross motor skills flipping eggs!

Dr. Seuss Rhyming Activity – You can’t go wrong with a rhyming activity for Green Eggs and Ham and young children love it. These memory card pages are great way to play a fun memory game and learn rhyming at the same time.

Would You Eat It Green Eggs and Ham Activity – This activity looks like lots of fun! Kids get to choose whether or not they like certain foods.

Green Eggs and Ham Bingo– Most kids absolutely love to play bingo. If Green Eggs and Ham is a favorite book of your kids, they’ll love this game.

Green Eggs and Ham Speech and Language Activity – Do you want to get your kids talking? This game is a super fun way to get kids involved in answering questions about this great book.

Making 10 with Green Eggs and Ham – Are you looking for a new way to practice some math skills? Try this making 10 game. All you need is green construction paper, a black marker, and some scissors, and your kiddos can practice matching the pieces of ham with these fun egg shapes to equal 10!

Measuring Amounts with Green Eggs and Ham – In this fun game you’ll measure green punch with cups into a jar. It’s a great way to practice counting and measuring with kids.

Paper Plate Green Eggs and Ham Craft – If you’re looking for some Green Eggs and Ham fun crafts, you have to try out this one. It’s so cute!

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    Green Eggs and Ham Recipe Ideas

    green eggs and ham healthy

    Healthy Green Eggs and Ham – Okay, so maybe these aren’t as fun as actual delicious green eggs, but this is a healthy alternative that is yummy and easy to make that is yummy and easy to make with scrambled eggs and a bit of kale. Don’t forget to add in the delicious ham! Of course, you could always make a plate of green eggs with some food coloring if you’d like.

    Green Eggs and Ham Cupcakes – If you’d rather have something a little sweeter, these green eggs and ham cupcakes will do the trick.

    Green Eggs and Ham Sandwich – How delicious does this sandwich look? If you’d like to have a yummy lunch in honor of this classic beginner book, you’ll definitely want to try this recipe!

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