Three Year Old Homeschool Preschool Resources and Curriculum Choices

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It’s time to talk about one of my favorite ages to homeschool plan for, and that’s the preschool age! Today, I am sharing with you our three year old homeschool preschool resources and curriculum choices. My biggest takeaway during the homeschool preschool years is to let your kids play! Let them explore and experience things. It doesn’t have to be perfectly planned. I see moms setting up elaborate play spaces and it’s not necessary. Especially if you’re a mom of little boys, like me, those elaborate play spaces likely only last a few minutes before they are turned upside down! 

Certainly, provide your child with fun toys and activities, but don’t expect to need to plan their whole day. Young children need a lot of free time.

When I do plan our preschool activities, I always plan with My Homeschool Preschool Planner. This planner helps me set up circle time, reading activities, sensory activities, and fine and gross motor skill activities. I have used it for the past two years with two different children, and I am now using it with a third. 

Take My Free How To Plan Your Own Preschool Curriculum Course

To work on our alphabet, practice letter recognition, letter sounds, and letter writing, we use My Alphabet Notebook. It’s a simple notebook that can be done once or twice a week, or more depending on how fast you want your child to review the letters.

Alphabet Games – I love doing alphabet games so much that I wrote a book on it! In my book you’ll find 20 of the activities we do during the preschool years to practice our ABCs!

ABC Poster & Picture Word Cards – These free resources are great for reviewing the alphabet, as well.

Character with We Choose Virtues – Our morning time always consists of reviewing a virtue. I love using the We Choose Virtues Parenting Cards.

Habit Training with Laying Down the Rails – I am reviewing this reference book from Simply Charlotte Mason myself. It goes over all of the habits listed by Charlotte Mason.

Monthly Book Themes

My weekly preschool lesson plans are designed to be used with 3-5 year olds, and I know my kindergartner will join in on many of the activities, along with my two year old, so these plans can suit multiple ages. I am also adjusting the weekly plans and making them monthly plans.

The reason I am making these plans monthly is because I am homeschooling several older children now. When I just had little kids, it was easier to plan and prep activities for them, but now I am finding that it’s just not necessary to have a themed activity every day, and the kids still learn so much. We will do themed activities based on one book per month. 

Here’s our selection. Some are repeats from last year, but I think my three year old and two year old will benefit from those repeats because they weren’t as involved in the activities as my now kindergartner. 

Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

The Three Little Pigs

Billy Goat’s Gruff

Make Way for Ducklings

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

I’ll also add in more books to just read aloud from our amazing preschool book lists.

Nursery Rhymes

Nursery rhymes are so amazing for young children. I always incorporate nursery rhyme printables into our homeschool morning basket. Here are the ones we have worked on and plan to work on this year.

Humpty Dumpty

Hickory Dickory Dock

Three Blind Mice

Hey Diddle Diddle (and more)

Of course, I always keep my must-have homeschool preschool supplies in my homeschool closet so I can easily pull out activities when I need the kids to sit down and do something. Many of these items are used in our book theme lesson plans, too!

And that’s it! I use no formal curriculum during the preschool years. I instead pull in different activities and include lots of fun, hands-on learning! 

Did you know I have a ton of posts on homeschool preschool? Check out my Homeschool Preschool page to see them all. You’ll see how our homeschool preschool has evolved over the years, my recommendations, and themes!

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