Pregnancy Tips for Moms (From a Mom of Seven)

When I got pregnant with my first, I pretty much devoured any information I could get my hands on about pregnancy. I was so excited, but at the same time I had no idea what to expect! I loved reading about other moms and their pregnancy journeys.

Here, I have decided to gather up all of my best posts and pregnancy tips for moms. You will also find that I did a pregnancy journal during my third and fourth pregnancies, so you can take a look at that, as well as all five of my birth stories and my best postpartum tips!

Pregnancy tips from a mom of five.

Pregnancy Tips for Moms

Let’s get right to all of my best pregnancy tips.

Pregnancy Essentials

First Trimester Pregnancy Essentials

2nd Trimester Pregnancy Essentials and Must Haves!

How To Save Money on Maternity Clothes

Where to Buy Affordable Maternity Clothes

Baby on a Budget – The Stuff You Actually Need

The Benefits of Pregnancy Tea

DIY Pregnancy Bath Salts

Preparing for Baby’s Birth

What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag

What to Pack in Baby’s Diaper Bag

How To Prepare Older Siblings for the New Baby

Must-Have Baby Items

Homeschooling While Pregnant

10 Freezer Meals to Prepare Before Baby’s Birth

Third Trimester Pregnancy Essentials – How To Prepare for Labor

Pregnancy Journal

Baby #3

Baby #4

Baby #5

Birth Story

Baby #6

I did not blog much through my pregnancy with my sweet fifth baby, so there aren’t any pregnancy journals. I wish I had, but I was very sick through my pregnancy with her. 

Recommended Resources for Your Pregnancy

If I had to list my top three product recommendations for pregnancy, it would be these things!

Cheapie pregnancy tests work just as well as the more expensive ones.

Do keep a pregnancy journal, especially if it’s your first baby. I documented my first pregnancy offline, as you can see it’s been more and more difficult to keep up with documenting the more babies I have. It’s so fun to go back and look at everything, though.

Get an exercise ball. They are amazing at easing back pain and work wonders during labor.

Got a pregnancy question? Leave me a comment and I’ll do my best to answer you!

All of the best pregnancy tips from a mom of five.